Netflix is doing what? A Netflix Store?

Netflix House: Stepping Beyond Screen to Create a Physical Wonderland for Movie Buffs

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Netflix, a company famous for its online streaming service, is planning to open physical stores known as "Netflix House." It's a surprising move since they used to mail DVDs to people's homes. These new stores will sell cool stuff related to popular Netflix shows. For example, you might find a mug from "Lincoln Lawyer" there. They're also planning to make the stores fun places to hang out, with dining options and activities based on shows like "Squid Game."

The Netflix House stores will also have changing art displays based on different Netflix shows and performances to make fans excited. There will also be a restaurant that serves food and drinks that you've seen in Netflix's food shows. The food will range from simple meals to fancy dinners.

The first two Netflix House stores will open in the US in 2025, but Netflix hasn't said exactly where they will be. They plan to open more stores in other countries later. Netflix's Vice President, Josh Simon, says this idea came about because they noticed people love to really get into the worlds of their favorite Netflix shows and movies.

This isn't the first time Netflix has tried something like this. They've set up special events all over the world for shows like "Stranger Things." But Netflix House will celebrate all the shows and movies on Netflix. They are still working out the details like what they'll serve at the restaurant and where the stores will be. They have more than a year to get everything ready.